Prof. Dr. Dipl-Ing. Katja Mombaur
- Professor and Chairholder
- Director of the KIT BioRobotics Lab
- Group: IAR-HCR
- Office Hours: Monday, 14:00-15:00 (by arrangement via email)
- Room:
InformatiKOM 1 - 50.19 - katja mombaur ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Adenauerring 12
76131 Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur
Katja Mombaur is Full Professor at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics at KIT where she holds the Chair of Optimization & Biomechanics for Human-Centred Robotics (HCR) and is Director of the BioRobotics Lab. In addition, she holds an affiliation with the University Waterloo in Canada where she has been Full Professor and Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) for Human-Centred Robotics & Machine Intelligence since 2020. Prior to moving to Canada, she has been a Full Professor at Heidelberg University where she directed the Optimization, Robotics & Biomechanics Chair, as well as the Heidelberg Center for Motion Research.
She studied Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart and SupAéro in Toulouse and holds a PhD in Mathematics from Heidelberg University. Her international experience includes two years as a visiting researcher at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse and one year at Seoul National University.
Katja Mombaur currently serves as the Vice President for Member Activities of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society and co-chair of the TC on Humanoid Robots. She is a Senior Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and has actively contributed to the organization of many conferences and workshops, in various roles e.g. as Program Chair of the IEEE RAS Humanoids 2023 conference.
Her research focuses on understanding human movement by a combined approach of model-based optimization and experiments and using this knowledge to improve motions of humanoid robots and the interactions of humans with exoskeletons, prostheses and external physical devices. Her goal is to endow humanoid and wearable robots with motion intelligence that allow them to operate safely in a complex human world. The development of efficient algorithms for motion generation, control and learning is a core component of her research.
Semester | Title | Type | Lv-No. | Lecturer |
WS 24/25 | Simulation and Optimization in Robotics and Biomechanics | Lecture / Practice (VÜ) | 2400160 | |
WS 24/25 | Seminar: Exoskeletons & Motion Capture | Seminar (S) | 2400187 | |
WS 24/25 | Proseminar: Exoskeletons & Motion Capture | Proseminar (PS) | 2400178 | |
WS 24/25 | Research Seminar: Optimization & Biomechanics in Human-Centred Robotics | Seminar (S) | 2400183 | Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur |
WS 24/25 | Practical Course: Human-Centred Robotics Projects | Praktikum (P) | 2400193 | |
WS 24/25 | Practical Course: Mathematical and Computational Methods in Robotics & AI | Praktikum (P) | 2400181 | |
WS 24/25 | Basic Practical Course: Mathematical and Computational Methods in Robotics & AI | Praktikum (P) | 2400191 |
Semester | Title | Type | Lv-No. | Lecturer |
SS 2024 | Humanoid Robots - Locomotion and Whole-Body Control | Lecture / Practice (VÜ) | 2400135 | |
SS 2024 | Proseminar: Humanoid Robots | Proseminar (PS) | 2400142 | |
SS 2024 | Optimization & Biomechanics in Human-Centred Robotics | Seminar (S) | 2400134 | Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur |
SS 2024 | Practical course: Human-Centred Robotics | Praktikum (P) | 2400149 | |
SS 2024 | Practical Course: Movement and Technology | Praktikum (P) | 2400151 |
Semester | Title | Type | Lv-No. | Lecturer |
WS 23/24 | Simulation and Optimization in Robotics and Biomechanics | Lecture / Practice (VÜ) | 2400160 | |
WS 23/24 | Proseminar: Motion Capture & biomechanical motion analysis - Introduction and applications | Proseminar (PS) | 2400157 | |
WS 23/24 | Seminar: Assistive robotics and exoskeletons in medical applications | Seminar (S) | 2400170 | |
WS 23/24 | Research Seminar: Optimization & Biomechanics in Human-Centred Robotics | Seminar (S) | 2400183 | Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur |
Semester | Title | Type | Lv-No. | Lecturer |
SS 2023 | Forschungs- und Absolventenseminar | Seminar (S) | 2400183 | Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur |
SS 2023 | Seminar Assistenzroboter und Exoskelette in medizinischen Anwendungen | Seminar (S) | 2400177 | Prof. Dr. Katja Mombaur |